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Avoid Hoaxes of Covid-19 with Your WhatsApp – Health and Beauty Treatments Blog

You Know these days, spread lots of wrong information of Covid-19 On Social Media. So Poynter International Fact-checking Network (IFCN) have gotten action for this. They launched Chatbot on WhatsApp. This Bot will help you regarding coronavirus related hoaxes.

WhatsApp Coronavirus Fact-Checker

Basically this chatbot collecting information over 100 independent fact-checkers. Then you asking some problem from bot he will go cross the references and will tell you the right answers. However, you can convince your friends and loved ones are safe or they are in danger.

This Chatbot is giving his support to all users officially. It’s available all platforms in you using like Android, IOs, Windows, Mac, and et cetera. But the problem is this bot only works in English for now. Anyway, WhatsApp will translate this to Hindi, Portuguese, and Spanish. But stay hopeful.. after a few days, all languages will available in that chatbot.

How to get Information from WhatsApp Coronavirus Fact-Checker?

Step 1: Go to this link–> Contact of Corona Virus Fact-Checker

Step 2: Press Send to open bot automatically or it will open as a saved contact. It is “+1 (727) 2912606″.

Step 3: Start a conversation by texting Hi. After it will respond to you with instructions.

Step 4: Reply again with 1 to start COVID 19 fact-checking.

Step 5: This is the final step and you can ask anything about COVID-19. It will reply to you with the information.

Here is a simple hack for you to avoid Hoaxes of Covid-19 with Your WhatsApp. Good luck and I like to know how your feelings about this article and Ideas. Like, follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest for more updates from health and beauty treatment blog.

All Images credit goes to original authors and Pixabay.com.

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